Camping and Caravanning Club
Exhibitor stand staff development workshops
The Camping and Caravanning Club use exhibitions and live events as a major part of their marketing strategy to reach and retain members to the Club.
How we helped the Camping and Caravanning Club:
Ensuring they are able to measure the return on investment for their exhibiting programme is key. For this reason they gathered together their team of stand staffers; a group of member volunteers and head office staff, to participate in a half-day workshop designed to achieve buy-in from all on the show objectives, the roles of each team member, the strategies for different areas of the stand and the importance of data capture for on-going marketing campaigns.
Marketingesp designed and delivered the workshop to 45 attendees a week before the show which enabled the Club’s organising team to action agreed outcomes from the workshop in time for show opening.
The workshop has been delivered several times over the course of 2 – 3 years to cover the whole exhibiting team, and including a train the trainer session to equip the regional event team leaders with the skills and methodology to run their own sessions.

“We hire Emma over and over again to deliver our stand staff training. She is able to adapt to all training situations and always delivers the program at a very high standard. She has excellent event and exhibition knowledge which means she can draw on her experience to answer all questions the stand staff may have. She is also extremely professional and well organised. Our stand staffers have always commented on how informative the training is and they now feel more confident to work on our exhibitions.”